Tuesday, August 27, 2013

August's End

It is hot.

Out west, it’s hot and on fire. Across the Midwest it’s a sauna.

Yet, the big retailers already have the Halloween stuff out. The back-to-school sales started in July. And you can be sure that somewhere, someone is getting ready to roll out the Christmas trees.

What does that mean to you? Wherever your customers go, they are seeing signs of fall and winter. Are you thinking about merchandising for the upcoming seasons?

It’s not too early to think about booster cables and power packs.

We’re here to help you with your fall merchandising ideas. Our new retail rack for our Rescue Power Packs is a great merchandising tool and doesn’t take a lot of floor space.

If you’re looking for ideas, give your Account Manager a call. Let’s see what we can put together to make your fall season a success.

It may still be hot. But the kids are going back to school, and it’s already getting dark noticeably earlier. We can help with your seasonal specials. So, don’t wait too long.