Friday, March 1, 2013

Video As A Learning Tool, Even in the Battery World

Video of "How to Open Can Without Can Opener"
Type in "how to" on Youtube and you'll find videos that will show you "how to trick people into thinking you're good looking", "how to make a fire using only an orange", "how to open a can without a can opener" (This one I have to see!), even "how to dance "Gangnam Style"".  Anything and everything you could ever want to learn (and even things you DON'T) is on Youtube in short 2-5 minute video segments, including battery maintenance videos, thanks, in part to Quick Cable.

Five years ago when Quick Cable began the QuickHowTo video initiative, the landscape was pretty barren when it came to videos that served the battery industry. Now five years later, we can proudly say that we are the established leader in our industry for education of battery related products and procedures. Today we are seeing video, not as a trend but as a business necessity. Lots of companies now use video instruction. Many use it to create profits for themselves. We use it to create knowledge and provide the industry with valuable teaching tools, not only on Quick Cable products but on an array of industry best practices. And the battery industry seems to be watching.

Average viewership of our videos on Youtube is close to 5,000 views per month in over 100 different countries, not bad for a niche market. Its even higher on Quick Cable's own QuickHowto video site. From battery cable to crimping to cleaning up an acid spill to learning how to properly operate a Rescue Portable Power Pack, Quick Cable is seeing a positive response from the battery industry.  And as the technologies change, you can be sure Quick Cable will keep the foot on the gas and grow with the times to continue to provide informative, useful videos that also happen to be FREE. 

Richard Sosa
Video Producer
Quick Cable Corporation

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