Monday, February 24, 2014

Free Engineer. Click Here.

How cool would that be, to have free engineering any time you needed it? Just go to a website and click and get something designed that you can actually use, that’s safe and meets industry standards.

Not only is it a cool idea, it’s real. Quick Cable has two websites that can engineer custom products for you as you click your way along. 

The first and best known is, our online custom cable configuration tool. You spec the cable gauge, length, types of connectors, heat shrink, terminal protectors—whatever you need—and the website automatically builds a blueprint and bill of materials. Best of all it won’t let you do anything stupid—like putting the wrong gauge connector on a cable. Or the wrong size heat shrink.

You can hand the blueprint over to your guy in the back room that builds cables or you can get a quote right away from us, and we’ll build it for you.

Our newest automated engineer can build a battery acid containment system for your battery rack and spec out all the components for you. All you have to do is enter the size of the rack and whether you want it made out of PVC or stainless steel. Our containment configurator does all the rest, calculating the rails, clips, liner, absorbing pillows and socks—everything you need.

Point and click engineering for the masses. Only at

Monday, February 17, 2014

What Professional Battery Accessories Mean to You


If you’re a battery distributor, you face a lot of obstacles, not the least of which is all the mass merchandisers trying to take your business. The marts, depots, and supplies are all in the game selling batteries and accessories and making your life tough. Same goes for all those auto supply chain stores.

How do you fight back? Better products, better service, better selection, and skilled installers. You sell batteries and products—brands—that the mass market guys don’t have access to.
That means you can tell a product story and a quality story about added value and performance. 

And you can justify your price.

It works for your batteries and it works for your accessories. There is no point in selling the same cables, cleaners, protectors, battery boxes and other accessories that your customers can walk into a mass merchandiser and find cheaper. There is no advantage in getting into a price war that you can’t win.

Quick Cable makes an exclusive, pro-quality line of products you can’t get at the marts, the depots and the supplies. These products help set you apart from your competitors.

It’s all about differentiation. And profitability.

Want more information about how Quick Cable battery accessories can put more money in your pocket? Call your account manager today. Don’t have an account manager? Call our customer service at 800-558-8667 and we’ll get one for you.

Monday, February 10, 2014

Apps for Your Smart Phones and Tablets

One thing we work hard on at Quick Cable is giving you access to information about our products, services, and technical experience in ways that you find useful. We’re continually working on our websites,, and to make sure that they are up to date and have the information you need.

Along that line we have also put a lot of effort into getting our catalog information organized so you can get product information quickly and easily. Our new flip-page catalog on our website features an improved interface so it works as well on a smart phone or tablet as it does on a computer.

All of that is great, but what happens when you don’t have the internet or your cell phone signal drops out or you’re somewhere where you get barely 1G service?

The answer: Our new apps for Android and iOS.

We’re happy to introduce our new catalog app for both platforms—available at Google Play and iTunes, and if you download the data with it, you have a Quick Cable catalog with you no matter where you go. Does one of your customers have a question about battery boxes or quick replacement ends? You can answer that!

Currently the apps feature our catalog in both English and Spanish, and a French version will be added in the not-too-distant future.

We do appreciate your business and we continue to look for ways to make it easier and faster to work with Quick Cable.

Monday, February 3, 2014

Something for Every First Responder

How would you like a product that you can sell to equip every police car and every fire truck, and every other first responder?

Here is just the thing: The Rescue 510195 portable battery acid spill kit.

Inside the bright yellow battery box is enough acid neutralizer to take care of ½ gallon of battery acid, a brush and pan to sweep it up, safety goggles and gloves to protect you, hazmat pads, a battery bag and a carrier. Plus there is emergency eye wash solution.

So, what’s the big deal?

Anytime there is a car accident, there is the potential to crack or rupture the battery. Or the batteries. And batteries can be anywhere in today’s cars and trucks—under seats, in the trunk, under the hood. If the battery is cracked and acid leaks onto the pavement, you have a hazmat situation along with everything else you have to deal with.

This kit makes it easy, safe, and fast to take care of any hazardous acid and clear the area.
If you have sales people calling on municipal garages, order in a couple of these kits and train them to do a show and tell session. 

It’s a big opportunity.