Thursday, April 11, 2013

Can Video Help You Sell More?

Lets be clear. We're not here to tell you how to run your business. At Quick Cable we understand that every business is unique and if you've been around a while, you probably have a proven method of doing business. That being said, there are things we can all do to improve our bottom line. Video is one tool that CAN help you increase sales and give your business more visibility. If you haven't implemented a business strategy that includes using video you could be missing out on increased sales.

Video is king and here to stay!

According to a recent article on, video accounted for 56% of consumer web traffic in 2012. More proof is in the way major online retailers are publishing videos on their product pages. At last count (2010), led all online retailers with an estimated 166,499 videos published on its product pages with Amazon (67,021). These retailers' prime purpose is to sell products.

Does it really help?

Product videos sell products. Period. A recent case study by Treepodia revealed that shoppers who view a product video are purchasing products at a higher rate than those who decide not to watch the video. But here is the real interesting part: Even those that chose NOT to watch the video are converting at a higher rate than shoppers viewing the same product pages without the option to watch a video. That means just having product videos available to your customer base is an advantage without them even hitting the play button. Whether its trust or some other factor, the mere presence of video could help you sell more products.

How do I get started?

According to, you shouldn't go into this haphazardly. Hire a professional, preferably a local company. Someone who knows the ins and outs of lighting, sound and setup. Just as easy as it is to grab someone's attention with a quality video, its that easy to lose them with a poorly shot video.  But if you don't have the budget or the time to get started now you can still implement a video program by latching on to the vast library of Quick Cable videos.

How do I get video on my site?

If you're a Quick Cable distributor, you can easily embed our videos from our Youtube Channel or websites.  Many of our distributors already are taking advantage of this resource and are finding it to be a valuable sales tool. We at Quick Cable will continue to be a partner you can rely on for quality products, programs and customer service and support.

Happy Sales!

Video Producer
Quick Cable Corporation


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