Friday, June 21, 2013

Who knew?

Finishing my first week as a marketing intern for the summer here at Quick Cable! I have to say, this place is even better than I expected! I don’t know what I was imagining when I took the job, but I was surprised to learn about all that Quick Cable offers. I knew we had a lot of products, but 6500? Wow! And we make them in-house! I have to admit, I was really impressed when I found that out. I got to tour the manufacturing facility, and actually got to see people making the products and putting everything together.

One thing I love about Quick Cable, which I did not realize when I took the job, is the care about meeting the needs of customers. Not only do they we have standard cataloged products, but we can custom design an order to meet the customer’s needs. How cool is that? Need more of one thing, but less of another? You can get it your way! I don’t know of too many companies who are willing to do that. We also have video training and fliers about the products. Pretty neat, I would say! We are even working on improving the experience for our customers in French-speaking Canada. One of my projects is working on translating material into French, and I am very excited about being able to contribute in that way.

It has been so much fun learning about all the types of products Quick Cable offers. We have everything you need to take care of your batteries! From cables to connectors to cases, we have you covered! It’s a one stop shop! We even have a line for connecting batteries to solar panels!

I am so excited to be working at Quick Cable this summer! The company is amazing, and I can’t wait to discover everything it offers! You should too!

Nicole Savage

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