Monday, December 9, 2013

Get a Clean Start

It’s that time of year again. The first major cold wave has hit, driving temperatures down even in the south. Atlanta had the coldest Thanksgiving in 100 years. Ice and snow are crippling Tennessee and Kentucky; it’s cold even in Texas.

If you’re in the battery industry like many of our customers are, business should be picking up. And if you’re in the mobile vehicle service business, demand might be outstripping supply.

It’s a good time to remind your customers: Good clean battery connections can make a big difference when it gets cold and you want to start your car.

You can help your customers to help themselves by selling the 120145 Battery Terminal Protection kit. In one convenient package you have battery terminal washers, spray cleaner, spray protectant and a terminal brush.

The package is perfect for setting up near your checkout area, and it only takes a couple of minutes to show people how to use the products. And they can make a big difference.

Helping your customers to help themselves avoid trouble is good business. Who wants to be out cleaning battery terminals when it’s 17 degrees and the wind is howling? 

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