Friday, December 13, 2013

Is That a Jump Pack in Your Trunk?

If it is, it's the start of a good idea. No matter what the calendar says, winter is here and it's starting out with some serious cold and bad weather.

So a lot of people keep a jump starter--like one of our Rescue Portable Power Packs in their trunk for emergencies. That's great but you have to remember one thing: Keep it charged!

The same cold weather that is challenging the battery under your hood is working on the battery in your jump starter, and over time it loses its charge. You don't want to be counting on your back-up system, only to find it is unable to do the job.

Quick Cable recommends charging your Rescue Portable Pack every 30 days or after every use. If you live in a really cold climate, it wouldn't be a bad idea to try to remember to bring it in the house and charge it up once a week overnight--say every Friday, or whatever makes sense.

It's a great idea to carry that jump starter. Make sure it's ready to do its job when you need it.

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