Monday, January 20, 2014

Crazy Cool Cutter

We go to a lot of trade shows, meet lots of nice people and have a good time talking about our new products, how our customers are doing—all that normal stuff. But every once in a while something happens that really stands out.

Like what happened at a recent show. We were showing off some new products that we thought were really cool, like our new B-crimper (we’ll talk about that soon, but you can check it out here) and our new 500 MCM telescoping handle ratcheting cutter.

I was holding the cutter and showing how the handles adjust (see the video here) and all of a sudden a guy watching and listening goes “WOAH! Let me see that.” And he grabs it out of my hand.

Now he’s walking up and down the aisle, working the ratchet, moving the handles in and out. “This is bitchin’” he says. He’s showing it to everyone around him. “I need one of these. Check how this works.” He’s going on and on, and so excited he’s got everyone into it.

Working at the booth you do the best you can to tell a product story, but there’s nothing like someone who goes completely crazy and freaks out about how cool your stuff is.
Now, you may not freak out, but check the cutter out anyway. See for yourself.

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